Monday, June 27, 2016


Yes, we're still alive!! (this blog I mean)

Yeah, so hello everyone! Today is June 27 2016, though I suppose I should use tonight since it's 6:08PM here. And yes, yes, I know we haven't updated this blog since 2013!

Well, we did create this blog for a school requirement, and yes, we did finish college a year after, so (coughs) well, it's pretty late but I do want to congratulate the both of us! As I've said we haven't updated this for over three years already and we'd like to let everyone know that we want to thank you for visiting, taking notes, copy-pasting or whatever use you may have for this blog, and for still visiting and checking this out despite the lack of updates. Really, thank you very much. 

Please don't forget to rephrase the sentences if you do copy-paste. Students should help each other out. And double-check your spelling and grammar. Pass your course! Do it!

So now, (uhhh) we just wanted also to let you know that the both of us haven't talked about what to do with this blog, and to be honest, we never even talked about taking this thing down. It was fun creating this (we need grades to graduate i know i know), and we did get to watch some films and making comments about it was a real eye opener. We never thought we'd get to make a film critique blog ever. But here we are. Also, seeing that people come and visit it makes it worthwhile to keep it alive, yeah?

We have watched a couple of films (individually) for the past three years, but of course, after graduating and having been conditioned to wake-up+study+eat+go home+sleep and then suddenly being thrown into the fray (of adulthood my friends) we're pretty much busy on getting ourselves on track and making sure we'd be able to accomplish things that we want to do.

We would probably get back on whatever plans we have for 'Stories Witnessed' either next week, next month, I don't even know, maybe never and this blog would just be floating in the internet for the rest of time, so yeah, thanks for being a reader and we wish you good luck once you finish school!

Sayori | Inya