Friday, December 7, 2012

Tinimbang Ka Ngunit Kulang (1974)

Tinimbang Ka Ngunit Kulang movie poster

To what extent can hypocrisy result to? To what extent can people play blind on things needed to be acted upon? Tinimbang Ka Ngunit Kulang (Weighed but Found Wanting) is a Filipino drama film about sensitive social problems.

The film started with an old woman performing an abortion on a middle-aged woman (Lolita Rodriguez). The middle-aged woman was resisting, but a middle-aged man (Eddie Garcia) was holding her firmly. The abortion was a success. It looked like it was a thing of the past as the movie goes to the present. The middle-aged woman is now seen loitering on the streets wearing dirty clothes. She became insane after the abortion. The middle-aged woman is now called Kuala by the townspeople. Berto (Mario O'Hara), a man who has a skin disease, attracted Kuala to come to him using a toy. Berto was longing for a female partner because the townspeople won't even go near him, what more to make friends with him. Berto helped Kuala and let her stay on his house.

Junior (Christopher de Leon), a teenager who came from a rich family, started to be friends with Kuala and Berto. Junior's father told his son to not associate himself with Kuala and Berto. Still, Junior often visited Berto's house and talk with Berto, play with Kuala, or help on house chores. One time, when Junior visited Berto and Kuala, Junior was helping Berto carry some woods. Later they realized that Kuala was nowhere in sight.

They searched for her and found her beside a tree, looking so tired and scared. Kuala suddenly mentioned the name "Cesar." Junior was shocked because this is the name of his father, but he let it go that time. Kuala got pregnant with Berto's child. The townspeople did not like the idea, and were against Berto taking care of Kuala while she is pregnant. They took Kuala away from Berto. Kuala did not want to stay where the townspeople decided she'll stay in. She escaped and found her way back to Berto's house. Kuala was experiencing labor pains, and Berto rushed to a doctor. The doctor does not want to help so Berto, left with no choice, threatened him to come. This cause uproar on the town though Berto said that he won't kill the doctor and that he only needs him to go with him. Berto was shot by a policeman and he died. Junior saw this and was shocked. The townspeople then heard a cry of a baby, Kuala gave birth on her own. The townspeople went near the house where Kuala is in and they all tried to peek as Kuala recognizes Junior's father Cesar and asked him why he killed their child. Cesar's secret was then revealed to the whole town. Kuala dies after giving her baby to Junior. Junior then left the scene carrying Kuala and Berto's child on his arms.

Knowing that this is Christopher de leon's breakthrough film as stated, no wonder he is still active on acting right now. His good looking but innocent face was put to good use in this film. Junior really looked like someone from a rich family, might be a little naughty because he is a teenager, but is innocent and has a pure heart. For a new actor, I think Christopher de Leon was able to portray the character well. Same goes for Lolita Rodriguez, must have been very tough to get into a role of an insane woman but she was able to pull it off. About Eddie Garcia, I may have seen him acting a lot of times already but this might be the first time I thought about his acting. I cannot really differentiate between his tone for his role in this film and his tone for other roles he played but I think he is effective, because he still suited on the roles given to him, or so I think.

I was still not born when this film was released, and my parents were probably just on their teenage years by then. To be honest, I thought this would be one boring old movie,  but I was wrong. It is very different from the films produce nowadays and one can really tell that it is old but it has edge which makes it a very interesting watch. The film is a brave take on sensitive issues within our society (abortion, prejudice, love affair etc.) and on how one innocent/pure heart can see through these things. Junior saw through things that were needed to be acted upon, and if he could act upon it, he probably would have done so, just like when he walked away with Kuala and Berto's child.

Now to wrap this up, I want to leave a question. Do you think there is still a Junior within our society today?


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