Wednesday, January 2, 2013

You're My Pet (2011)

You're My Pet movie poster

You're My Pet is a Korean romantic comedy film about Eun-Yi (Kim Ha-Neul), a woman who just went through a break-up and was given a lower position in the company she's working in, and In-Ho (Jang Geun Suk), a young man who is a theater performer but is homeless for some reason. With some talk, the two agreed that Eun-Yi will let In-Ho live in her house but with the condition that In-Ho will act as Eun-Yi's pet. Eun-Yi then starts to call In-Ho as Momo. As the two spend more time together, they started to understand each other and each one was able to fill what the other lacks. Eun-Yi doesn't want to give in to her feelings and doesn't want to admit that she loves In-Ho romantically already, and not just as a pet. The story goes on as Eun-Yi tries to sort out her feelings.
This is an adaptation of a manga, which was adapted to a Japanese serial drama, which I have watched as well. Eun-Yi's heart soften in this film easier unlike in the Japanese drama, but I guess they have to do that so the story can be concluded in less than 2 hours. I really don't like Eun-Yi's "sunbae" I don't care enough to remember his name. I actually really don't like that character even in Kimi wa Petto drama, but I understand that the character is essential for Eun-Yi and In-Ho to realize their feelings. Momo here is still a good theater performer. I just hope they showed a theater performance and not suddenly that music video. I was shocked it suddenly turned into some music video. The scene where Eun-Yi was about to give Momo a bouquet of flowers after a performance was quite disappointing. In the Japanese drama, I must say it's one of the scenes I really liked. I was anticipating for the kiss she and Momo will have after she gave the bouquet just like what happened in the drama, but in this film, she couldn't give the bouquet and there was no kiss. It became less romantic to me. With that aside, I must say I like the kissing scene at the end, because it gives off nothing but sweetness. The kiss scene at the end was a good one, with the sunlight as a backdrop, it was so romantic.

Jang Geun Suk is adorable and I'm glad it was put to good use in this film. I have watched him acting as a serious-type-of-person before so seeing him act like a spoiled and clingy person is refreshing. Another thing put to good use in this film was Jang Geun Seuk's voice. I just have to mention that I really love his version of the song Mandy! I didn't really like the song so much not until I heard his version. About Kim Ha-Neul, her acting was okay, but I was not too satisfied with her Noh-mask face. Noh-mask face is what her character(in Japanese) is famous for! A noh-mask is a mask which the face has no expression at all, or to put it simply, a straight face. I was so disturbed that Kim Ha-Neul's straight face does not convince me that Eun-Yi is a woman with a lot of troubles but doesn't show it.

You're My Pet is a fun watch, though you will see characters struggle with their feelings, the cutesy of Momo is enough to ease your mind. I recommend this film, and the Japanese drama as well. After watching any of the two, you might see yourself wanting to have a Momo, just like I did!

To end this post, I'll leave you with You're My Pet's trailer!



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